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About Me

Full stack software developer with professional experience and a love for building the best possible solution using the right technology for the job. I take pride in constantly learning new things and creating solutions using what I have learned. The tech field cosntantly provides opportunies like this, which is what made me realize this is the field for me. I graduated from Ball State University in May 2024 with my Bachelor's in CS. When I am not at my computer I enjoy working out, spending time with my dogs, and reading.


Trade Simulator
Provides users with the ability to paper trade with realtime stock prices, and create watchlists | Built using Angular, .NET, and PostgreSQL
Live Application
Source Code
Jump To Recipe
Scrapes popular recipe websites, providing users with the bare minimum they need for a recipe, removing all ads and extra blog text. | Built using React and Python (Flask and BeautifulSoup)
Live Application
Source Code
Subscription Manager
Built using VueJS and .NET | Senior Capstone at Ball State University for Moneytree | Code is confidential and therefore cannot be shared
Image Gallery
Author Website
Author/Portfolio Website for Dana Benbow | Built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript | Hosted on Netlify
Live Website
Source Code

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